Personal insights on being a creative human
and running a small business
Digging Deep to Grow
A little insight into the challenges of developing one’s style as a maker, whilst overcoming creative block.
Make It At Market - a Contributor’s Tale
This blog post give a little background into journey from Make It At Market applicant to appearing as a contributor on Series 2 of the show.
How to put your values into Valentine’s Day
How to have an eco-friendly Valentine’s Day this year…
Bespoke Design - when necessity meets creativity
I’m often asked how I started making jewellery and when I get to the part about being a physiotherapist, I’m sure a lot of people find the leap quite random, but my day job definitely brings it’s benefits.
Is Creativity Relevant in Lockdown?
With the advent of COVID-19 my life, like nearly everyone else’s in the world was thrown into disarray. Unable to go to my day job in the conventional way (I had to conduct my physiotherapy consultations via Zoom), I found myself with many more spare hours in my day than I’ve ever been used to.
Hashtag 'Shop consciously'...
If you’d have asked me ten or even five years ago what the word ‘sustainable’ meant in the context of fashion and accessories, my immediate thoughts would have been floaty, neutral-coloured garments made of hemp or organic cotton and gaudy glass bead jewellery bought wholesale from developing countries.
Creativity - Helping your soul to grow!
Exactly a year ago a wrote about the relevance of creativity during lockdown. It was written from quite a personal perspective, and at the time none of us had any idea of the scale that the pandemic would take.
Collaborative Designs - Things to Consider with Custom Made Commissions
An insight into the challenges of making custom design jewellery, with commentary from another handmade creative business owner Kireen Rooney.